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Hunters Guild Tattoo


Progress: COMPLETE

The Weapon Progress: First draft done, needs multiple edits, a cover, and financing.

So what is this blog all about?

Well, I really love the emblem Sarah and I came up with for the Hunters Guild. So much in fact that my next tattoo will be an adaptation of this!

But why would you want to get a logo tattooed on you?

For starters, it’s from my writing, which is not just a pastime, it is a passion and a part of me. But more than that, it’s about what it stands for and to understand that you need to know more about the guild:

The Hunters Guild is group of like-minded individuals that want to make the world a better place (well, that and get paid nicely). It embodies what the Hunters themselves are, warriors and wanderers who aren’t content with a normal life, that seek adventure and to help those around them. They are a band of misfits with a bond as strong as blood. It’s an honorable guild filled with mostly good people and Warren Lockfir is one of them. He is one of the main characters in The Hunter’s Trilogy and a man after my own heart. Warren, along with all the Hunters, has a wolf’s head with a sword and spear crossed behind it tattooed on him. So I will be joining the ranks of the Hunters with my tattoo.

When are you going to get this tattoo?

That is actually where you come in. See I am not allowing myself to get this tattoo until two things happen: First, I need to make $1,000 in royalties off my writing. Second, I have to finish and publish The Weapon, the first book in The Hunter’s Trilogy. Once these two things happen, I am going to sit down with my tattoo artist and we are going to work on a tattoo along the lines of the design below. So I need your help because I cannot do this alone! Just by buying a book you can help me further my goal and leave a lasting impact (literally, a lasting impact on my skin). I’ll also need help getting The Weapon published, but more to come on that later (be on the lookout for more info on a Kickstarter in the near future!).

I'll keep you updated on my progress so you can follow along as I get closer to reaching my goal. Thanks in advance for all your support!

From my desk to you,

Joshua C. Chadd

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